Changes to the Environmental Product
Charge and Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) government regulation for
turbulence at the end of last year
On 23.12.2024, No 133 of Hungarian Gazette was published, which also
includes Act LXXXIX of 2024 amending certain energy-related acts, which also
includes amendments to the Environmental Product Fee Act and the Waste Act. In
addition, a decree amending government decrees in the field of energy was
published in issue 138 of the Hungarian Gazette of 30th December. Several
relevant laws were also amended at the end of the year, but this article focuses
on the changes to the product charge and EPR charge regulations, which are presented
in more detail.
in all, one eye is crying and the other is laughing. We are pleased to see (in
memoriam) the removal of the duplicate and unnecessary administrative burden of
the environmental product charge, which has already become redundant in the
last year and a half with the advent of the EPR Regulation. This is clearly the
result of the persistent and tenacious work of professional organisations, in
which Green Tax Service Ltd. has been actively involved. The other eye,
however, is very much crying when reading the amendment to the EPR Regulation.
Unfortunately, we can say that the proposals of the largest professional
organisations to move forward, clarify the law and even make the taxpayers
comply with the law, thus predestining higher concession revenues (and,
moreover, the prayers of many of us) were not heard. We cannot trivialise the
introduction of the obligation for blended frying oils, the exemption of artificial
grasses from the textile products, or the simplification of the administrative
burden for a certain group of small producers and small farmers who are
currently either part of the system or not. Unfortunately, we can say that
these changes fall far short of what was hoped for. That said, the ‘EPR
pre-enactment’ of the Penalty Regulation has taken place, which foreshadows the
controls that can now be expected, assuming a presumably large number of operators
who are currently free-riding, and trusting that it is not the companies in the
system, seeking to comply with the current complex regulations and seeking to
behave in a law-abiding manner, that will be targeted.
now look at the legislative changes related to the product charge, extended
producer responsibility fee, penalty regulation and a short list of legislation
that has been considered relevant and amended.
1. Changes in legislation on
environmental product charges
important and most welcome is the abolition of the product charge obligation
for EPR obligated product flows from 1st January 2025. The parallel maintenance
of the product charge and the EPR regime has raised a number of questions and,
in our view, has become unnecessary. In practice, the product fee return for these
product streams has been an unnecessary additional administrative burden, and
the current amendment has made it unnecessary to submit returns with a HUF 0 payment
obligation in most cases.
means that the double reporting of the following will no longer apply:
- battery
- electrical,
electronic equipment
- packaging
- tyre
- advertising
- the
office stationary
Of course, it should be stressed that
the obligation remains unchanged for
other petroleum products, other plastic products “reinforced” with
carrier bags and other chemical products.
Other, operational
In the case of sales abroad, the product
charge cannot be reclaimed on used or wasted products subject to the product
charge, except for other petroleum products.
The provisions in force prior to 1st
January 2025 apply to product charge obligations, including the related refund,
incurred before 1st January 2025, with certain exceptions.
The state tax authority will continue to
perform its duties in relation to liabilities incurred before 1st January 2025 after
1st January 2025, in accordance with the rules in force on the date the
liability arose.
The state tax authority will close the
product fee liability of the debtor who has registered after 1st January 2025
for products no longer subject to product fees and the takeover contracts
declared for products belonging to these product groups ex officio on 31st
December 2024. (Note: in
the absence of transfer contracts for the above product flows, the transfer
clauses must be removed from the invoice, as must the declarations).
In the case of plastic carrier bags for
packaging, the debtor must declare his product fee liability for other plastic
products after 31st December 2024.
In the case of plastic carrier bag
packaging, a person who assumes the product charge obligation by contract
before 1st January 2025 will fulfil his product charge obligation after 1st
January 2025 according to the rules for the product flow of other plastic
Annexes 1, 2, 4 of the Act are amended in
accordance with the above.
Procedural rules for the product charge
warehouse in addition to the products subject to the EPR has been amended
Importantly, the possibility of deducting
the amount of the extended producer responsibility fee under the Ht (Waste Law).
has been retained for plastic carrier bags.
2. Changes related to the Extended Producer
Responsibility (EPR) Regulation
The first domestic placing on the market
of a product is considered to be the domestic placing on the market of a „circular
product” obtained with a declaration, as well as the use of frying oil and fats
obtained with a declaration as a non-raw material.
A transfer before release for consumption under the
Excise Duty Act is not considered a release for consumption
Delivery abroad may be certified by a transport
document or consignment note
The final separation of foreign-produced packaging
from the product is considered to be own-use if the separated packaging becomes
packaging waste domestically.
The provisions on the final separation of reusable
packaging owned by a domestic economic operator and returned from abroad that
is included in the reusable packaging register of the national waste management
authority, and on the final separation of reusable packaging that is part of
packaging imported from abroad and its certified return to the country within
365 days, have been repealed by the above amendment.
If the amount of the invoice to be issued for the EPR
fee is less than HUF 1,000, the concession company will not issue an invoice
for the EPR fee on a quarterly basis, but when the amount of the fees
established for the previous quarters but not yet invoiced reaches HUF 1,000 in
Decree 60/2023 of 15.XI.) of the AM, if the annual
taxable income from his activity in the tax year preceding the tax year in
question did not exceed five times the annual minimum wage in the year
preceding the tax year in question, he may keep a special, simplified register
and submit the data annually to the national waste management authority by 20th
January of the year following the tax year in question.
For frying oils and fats, the following are included:
heading 1517 90 91 HS and CN subheading 1517 90 91: mixtures of circular
products as defined in 1.9.1 to 1.9.5
However, in the case of textile products, an exception
is made for artificial grass of heading 5703 21 or 5703 31 and HS subheading
5703 31.
Amendment of the Regulation on fines in relation to the EPR
parallel with this, the fine decree was also changed (Government Decree
271/2001 (XII. 21.) on the amount of waste management fines and the method of
their imposition and determination).
Failure to register DRS:
waste management authority shall set the amount of the fine at HUF 500,000,
without establishing a basic fine and a multiplier, if the concession company
fails to fulfil its obligation to register the compulsory returnable product
within the deadline, as provided for in the Government Decree on the detailed
rules for the establishment and application of the returnable product and the
distribution of the returnable product.
Lack of EPR data reporting:
the producer fails to provide data on
the quantity of circular economy’s products placed on the market in accordance
with the Government Decree on the detailed rules of the extended producer
responsibility system, and thus fails to fulfil its obligation to pay the fee,
the waste management authority shall determine the amount of the fine without
setting a basic fine and a multiplier, by
multiplying the actual quantity by half
of the unit fee established for the given product stream.
Invalid EPR data reporting:
the producer provides false data in the context of the data supply and thus
fulfils the obligation to pay the fee on the basis of a lower than real quantity
of circular economy’s products, the waste management authority shall determine
the amount of the fine without setting a basic fine and multiplying factor, as
the difference between the real quantity data and the quantity data provided,
multiplied by half of the unit fee for the given product flow.
the producer commits the infringement in respect of more than one product, the
amounts of the fines per product and per offence are added together.
the case of an infringement, the waste management authority shall determine the
fine on the basis of the highest rate set within the product price, if the
material price of the circular economy’s product cannot be determined in detail
from the producer’s records.
4. A summary list of related legislative
Gazette No 131:
Act CLXXXV of 2012 on Waste
Government Decree No 416/2024 (20.XII.)
amending certain government decrees for deregulation purposes in the interests
of legal competitiveness
Government Decree 439/2012 (XII. 29.) on
the registration and official licensing of waste management activities
Government Decree 246/2014 (IX. 29.) on the
rules for the construction and operation of certain waste management facilities
Government Decree 309/2014 (XII. 11.) on
registration and reporting obligations in relation to waste
Government Decree 369/2014 (XII. 30.) on
waste motor vehicles
Gazette No 133:
Act LXXXV of 2011 on Environmental Product
Act CLXXXV of 2012 on Waste
Hungarian Gazette No 134:
EM Decree 34/2024 (XII. 23.) on the fees
for administrative services in waste management procedures
Gazette No 138:
Government Decree 271/2001 (XII. 21.) on
the amount of waste management fines and on the method of their imposition and
Government Decree 343/2011 (XII. 29.) on
the implementation of the Product Fee Act
Government Decree 442/2012 (XII. 29.) on
Government Decree 197/2014 (VIII. 1.) on
waste management activities related to electrical and electronic equipment
Government Decree No 533/2013 (XII. 30.)
on the rules of the reusable packaging rental system is repealed
EPR Government Decree (Government Decree
80/2023 (III. 14.))
Government Decree 273/2023 (VI. 29.) on
used cooking oil
Government Decree 275/2023 (VI. 29.) on
the detailed rules of waste management activities related to textile waste
Government Decree No 450/2023 (X. 4.) on
the detailed rules for the establishment and application of the redemption fee
and the distribution of products subject to the redemption fee
Government Decree No 681/2023 (XII. 29.)
on the detailed rules of environmental insurance in connection with waste
Decree 169/2024 (VI. 29.) of the
Government on the detailed rules for the performance of waste management
activities and waste management activities related to waste management within
the scope of the public service activity and the use of the public service
Please note that in
this summary we only present the changes that we consider most important, and
that an in-depth study of the existing texts on product charges and the EPR
system is necessary to understand the full amendment.
hope that this technical summary has helped you to prepare for the changes in the
EPR and environmental product charge regulations. If you have any questions, please contact Green
Tax Service Ltd at the usual contact details.
GREEN TAX SERVICE Ltd. declares that
it has compiled this information in accordance with the requirements of the
legislation on product charges and the extended producer responsibility scheme.
It has acted with due care and diligence and in accordance with professional
This summary does not include the
full product fee law and its implementing regulation, or the extended producer
responsibility government regulation. It is not intended to be exhaustive and
does not contain exact citations of the legal norms, but rather provides
practical guidance, the primary purpose of which is to make the summary
GREEN TAX SERVICE Ltd. informs the
reader that the findings, opinions and proposals described in this summary
reflect the interpretation, practice and professional opinion of the legal
practitioners, which are considered professional opinions, recommendations and
guidelines, but the contents of this summary are not legally binding. GREEN TAX
SERVICE Ltd. disclaims any liability for any errors or omissions.
competence to interpret the legislation, the information contained in this
summary is a professional opinion, which is not binding on the courts or
authorities in the event of a dispute.