The changes to the Environmental
Product Charge and the Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) government
regulation have raised a number of operational issues
As we reported earlier at the end of
last year, the legislative tsunami affected several pieces of waste management
legislation, including the product charge and the Extended Producer Regulation
(EPR). We have received numerous questions in response to the recent briefings,
which we have now collated and are providing in a structured format.
changes primarily generate questions related to the environmental product
charge and are most relevant to the packaging industry. By their nature, the
questions are not related to legislative knowledge but to operational tasks and
typically require reflection and confirmation from market actors.
let’s look at the most frequently asked questions about the product charge,
extended producer responsibility fee and penalty regulation and our answers to
1. Issues related to the
environmental product charge
1.1 Will the product
charge obligation for product flows covered by the EPR really be abolished from
1st January 2025?
the legislation has been adopted and is in force, so the obligation ceases for:
batteries, electrical and electronic equipment, packaging, tyres,
promotional paper, office stationary paper.
1.2. What needs to be
changed in the current reporting for the fourth quarter of 2024?
because the amendment is effective from 1st January 2025, so the last quarterly
return must be filed in the “normal way” as before.
1.3 Will the obligation
to pay the product charge also cease if our company, for whatever reason, paid
a product charge instead of an EPR on the product streams that are now being
phased out?
Yes, total product flows have been
exported. Thus, packaging for which the obligation to pay the product charge
existed because the EPR payment was not made, such as packaging imported from
abroad or acquired by way of take-over, which for certain reasons became scrap
or waste, is not subject to the payment of an environmental product charge.
The other typical case is in the case
of electrical and electronic equipment, where the manufactured or imported
electronics are covered by the costums tariff number but are not covered by
Government Decree 197/2014. These are typically specific electronic devices
that either do not have a separate function, are not equipment, or are designed
and intended to be incorporated into a specific device not covered by the
Government Electronics Regulation. Within or in addition to this, the most
common case is that of imports of manufacturing equipment directly from abroad,
and within this equipment there are also special electrical components and
accessories which cannot be used elsewhere.
Last but not least, we should not
forget those packaging products that were not defined as exempt under the
previous legislation (packaging products that never become packaging due to
their nature) and for which the obligation to pay the product charge remained.
One of the most common examples of this category is the garbage bag, the
garbage bag, where the 57 HUF/kg fee obligation existed until 31st December, no
longer applies.
With these changes, the product
charge payment obligation will be significantly reduced, bypassing central
budget revenues, while on the other hand shifting the focus to the EPR payment
obligation, anticipating in-depth controls.
Is there anything to be done about the takeover contracts that have been
terminated by the change in legislation?
The National Tax and Customs Administration will close the notified take-over
contracts ex officio on 31st December 2024, so there is no obligation to notify
How do the changes affect the obligation to indicate the invoice?
Since the overtakings have ceased to
apply to packaging products, the assumption – “the product charge
obligation is governed by the Ktdt. 14 (5), paragraph … ), sub-paragraph …
) of the invoice” (“a termékdíj-kötelezettség a Ktdt. 14. § (5)
bekezdés … ) pontja … ) alpontja alapján a vevőt terheli”). The same applies
to the declarations where the words: ‘the product charge for the packaging
product(s) is (are) not paid on the basis of the declaration of the purchaser
for the period registered under No …’ (“a(z) csomagolószer termékdíja a
vevő … számon iktatott időszakra vonatkozó nyilatkozata alapján nem kerül
megfizetésre”) are also no longer necessary. In the case of invoices
issued after 1st January 2025, if the clause appears on the invoice, it is
recommended to amend it by means of a single document which is considered as
one invoice. It should also be noted that, even if the clauses remain on the
invoice, there is no immediate risk of a fine being imposed, although it is not
very professional to refer to a legal provision that no longer exists.
The same applies to the CsK codes. Except
in the case of a claim by a customer entitled to a refund, this was not the
case in the past. The deduction from the invoices requires an operational
decision, taking into account the manpower needed. Just as the retention of the
clause is not a direct risk of penalty, neither is its inclusion, although it
is still recommended that it be removed from invoices, again on grounds of
For whom and for what will the obligation to notify apply after 1st January?
The State Tax Authority will also close
the liability registered after 1st January 2025 for products no longer subject
to the product charge ex officio on 31st December 2024. If the company had an
obligation in respect of other petroleum products, other plastic products or other
chemical products in the past, there is also no obligation to notify a change.
However, in the case of carrier bags,
which were previously packaging products but have now been transferred to the other
plastic products stream, there is a 15-day notification obligation. Routine
consultancy firms will carry out this notification without question, as the
previous declaration will show whether or not the company is obliged to notify
as a producer or importer of carrier bags.
The product charge and EPR for carrier bags must be paid to the obligor, is it
not possible to take over the charge?
The issue is primarily commercial and
not professional, but based on market practice, yes, this is extended to the
original obligor. It is to be noted that the formerly packaging trader (Ktdt.
14 § (5) d))) will no longer have the possibility to take over under this
title. Of course, it should be stressed that the obligation for the previously
still in stock, for the carrier bags acquired under the take-over obligation,
has to be settled, but now in the product stream of other plastic products. The
legal instrument of assumption of liability is retained in the case of export
deliveries of at least 60% of the goods abroad (Ktdt. 14 § (5) aa)), however,
the carryer bags are typically and by their nature not purchased for export.
Will the KT codes change from 1st January?
Plastic carrier bags must be
identified by KT codes, if the account has previously been marked with the CsK
codes, they must be replaced by KT codes. Although not a legal prescription, it
should be treated uniformly and consistently, other rules are described above. In
addition, the identification and the obligation to pay the charge for the
component part or accessory of a motor vehicle subject to the product charge
has also changed.
Issues related to the Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) Regulation
Have the obligations to declare the EPR on the invoice changed
they have not changed, the obligation to endorse the invoice remains unchanged for
the obligor, the declarant (60% export, use as raw material for frying oil,
frying fat) or in case of customer demand (typically for packaging – packaging
designed and intended to be filled at the point of sale). Alternatively, where
the EPR obligation is invoiced to the customer, it is still not prohibited and
is recommended.
2.2. Is it possible to
make a declaration when using blended oil as feedstock?
in the category of frying oil and fats of heading 1517 90 91 HS and CN
subheading 1517 90 91: mixtures of circular products according to 1.9.1 – 1.9.5
became compulsory products from 1st January, but the rules are the same as for
the previous product stream.
2.3. Have the KF codes
changed since 1st January?
they have been changed at a minimum level, they have been clarified: the so-called
group code for the 5-6 characters of the KF code has been extended and the
table of the origin code for the 8th character of the KF code has been
2.4. Has the notification
obligation for reusable, reusable packaging been abolished?
the obligation to register in the UHCS catalogue has been removed from the
condition of non-payment of the EPR fee for reusable packaging. For UHCS
packaging that is newly introduced into the system, the obligation to pay EPR
is created anyway for the first placing on the market, and the obligation to
report it is created after repeated multiple rotations.
Please note that in this
summary, we present the most common questions about the amendment and our
answers to them.
hope that this technical summary has helped you understand the issues involved. Green Tax Service Ltd. is at your disposal at
the usual contact details.
GREEN TAX SERVICE Ltd. declares that
it has compiled this information in accordance with the requirements of the
legislation on product charges and the extended producer responsibility scheme.
It has acted with due care and diligence and in accordance with professional
This summary does not include the
full product fee law and its implementing regulation, or the extended producer
responsibility government regulation. It is not intended to be exhaustive and
does not contain exact citations of the legal norms, but rather provides
practical guidance, the primary purpose of which is to make the summary
GREEN TAX SERVICE Ltd. informs the
reader that the findings, opinions and proposals described in this summary
reflect the interpretation, practice and professional opinion of the legal
practitioners, which are considered professional opinions, recommendations and
guidelines, but the contents of this summary are not legally binding. GREEN TAX
SERVICE Ltd. disclaims any liability for any errors or omissions.
competence to interpret the legislation, the information contained in this
summary is a professional opinion, which is not binding on the courts or
authorities in the event of a dispute.