Our Experts

Brief presentation of our colleagues participating in the cooperation

Please take note that the majority of the experts listed below are external professionals with excellent credibility. They all persue a highly successfull carreer independent from us. They are willing cooperate with upon client request.)

Dr. Hajós Attila

ügyvéd, adójogi szakjogász

A Vám- és Pénzügyőrségnél, majd a Nemezti Adó- és Vámhivatalnál szerzett közel húszéves tapasztalat bírtokában ügyvédként nem csupán „klasszikus” adó- és vámügyekben jár el, hanem olyan speciális területeken is, mint pl. a fémkereskedelmi kérdések. A Magyar-Hajós-Dobos Ügyvédi Iroda egyik alapítója, irodájának szakterületei a NAV hatáskörébe tartozó minden ügyet lefednek. 2018. óta a Vámjogi Szakértői Hatósági Vizsga vizsgabiztosa, 2019-től a Vám, Jövedéki és Adóügyi Szolgáltatók Szövetsége Fémszekciójának vezetője, a Jogi Szekció tagja.


Prior to his professional carrier he was active in the education bussiness and serving with the authority He was in charge of system controll and environmental protection for Sanyo Hungary Ltd. for nearly one and a half decades. After several years spent working as an auditor he ultimately started educating auditors. Currently he is supporting the maintanance and implementation of corporate processess compliant with sustainability, financialy beneficial and legally feasible solutions (authorization processes, cooperation with authorities, evironmental protection, waste management, ADR, system controll practice).



Economist, waste management consultant. She was the head of the collection and recycling department by ÖKO-Pannon Nonprofit Plc. – Green Dot organisation for Hungary from 2003 till 2011. After the nationalisation of the system she was invited to establish the new state owned company – National Waste Management Directorate – the only company since 2012 which is responsible for fulfilling strategic and recycling subsidizing of Hungary under the regulation of the Product Fee Act. www.szelektivinfo.hu/en/ She has an outstanding experience in Central and Eastern Europe, as she was project manager in this region for Reclay Group. www.reclay-group.com Now she is active not only in waste management field but also in making compliance checks about environmental product fee for different foreign companies which are important participants in the Hungarian market.

Mr Ferenc Laczi

Judicial Excise Expert

He has been actively present in the field of excise. He scope of activities cover the whole verticum of excise good from the activities carried out tax bonded warehouse, through the processing of permission closing with the retail of excise goods.

Ms. Mónika Seenger

Economist, paper engineer, packaging technologist

From 1985 until 1992 she was a technologist for Csepel Paper Factory, then she became the key account manager of Dunapack Zrt. and from 2008 until 2017 she was the department leader of the customer service by Dunapack Zrt. and the professional contact person for environmental product fee tasks.

Ms. Zsuzsanna Klára Szabó

specialist of customs tariff numbers.

She started her professional work by VPOP (customs value, transfer price, customs tariff numbers), the she worked as a specialist by the National Tax and Customs Administration Expert Institute. Authorised customs expert by the customs group of Knorr-Bremse in Münich. She is an active member of the 3 Hungarian Chamber of Judicial Investigators and the Hungarian Customs Association. She is an active teacher at the Foreign Trade Education Center (KOTK) and at the Budapest Economic Training Center (BGSZC).

Szűcsné Perényi Krisztina

Emerita head of department at the Forensic Institute of the National Tax and Customs Administration, forensic expert for customs and excise.

Mr. Imre Sztruhár

Economist, tax consultant

Tax specialist at Plus Élelmiszer Diszkont Kft. between 2005. and 2008. Then became the Chief Sales Officer of the Öko-Hungária Csomagolási Hulladékkezelést Koordináló Szervezet (“Öko-Hungária”, Organisation for Packaging Waste Management Coordination) and was also a consultant at Green Tax Consulting Kft. at the same time. He is now the Managing Director of the latter, and also the owner and managing director of Green Tax Service Kft. and FI-Audit Kft. He is also an active member of the Environmental Protection Committee of the Hungarian Association of Customs Affairs. He gives technical lectures within the framework of the product fee administrator training programme at the “SZC Kőrösy József” and “SZC Belfvárosi Szakképző” Vocational Schools of Economics in Szeged and Budepest.
